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Amon Ghaiumy
A message to CEOs: how to help customers through the cost of living crisis
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3 questions leaders should be asking themselves to support their vulnerable customers.
What is preventing innovation in the debt industry?
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Why has the debt industry been so slow to innovate? And how is tech the answer? Find out in the latest episode of Break The Cycle.
Announcing our £5M Seed Round Funding
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A huge thank you to every single member of our team, to our clients for their trust, and to our users who inspire us to always improve!
We’re partnering with Plend to help improve financial inclusion!
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We'll be helping ethical consumer lender Plend with their customers who fall behind on payments.
We've partnered with Credit Kudos to help customers make more affordable repayment plans!
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Exciting news - we've chosen Credit Kudos as our Open Banking partner to make the repayment plans fairer, simpler and quicker.
Introducing Ophelos
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Hello World! We're excited to announce our launch and a $2.3 million investment round to transform the debt collection industry for good.