Better experience,
better business.

Discover how our platform is driving industry-leading customer experience.
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Built by behavioural science, driven by intelligence.

Drive collections at scale with exceptional customer service and game-changing analytics.
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Self-serve rate


Data parameters


Customer satisfaction


Uplift in collections


AI-driven outreach

Maximise engagement with perfectly-timed personalised messages.

Science-based journeys

Nudge customers with in-built behavioural cues.

Self-serve payments

Drive faster recoveries with tailored payment solutions.


Automate at scale

Drastically cut queues and deliver exceptional support with OphelosGPT.

Vulnerability detection

Streamline specialised care teams by flagging high-risk customers.

Water-tight compliance

Ensure regulatory adherence across every customer interaction.


Track collections, customer interactions and KPIs in real-time.

Use smart search

Find immediate answers and compare quarterly, weekly and daily performance.

Get granular

Discover micro trends and zoom in on case-by-case metrics.

Forecast your future cashflow

Track potential liquidation and align future budgets.

Stay in the know

Sync alerts across inboxes and download automated reports.

Keep compliant

Monitor regulation across every communication and customer interaction.

Tailor the view

Save dashboard views to see the data you want, when you want.

Got questions?

Check out these FAQs for answers to common questions. Looking for something more specific? Reach out to our team.
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How does Ophelos improve collections?

Our machine learning models are continuously optimising by design, with personalisation at the heart of the process. By treating each customer as an individual, we maximize engagement, satisfaction, and collections, ultimately rehabilitating them back into being paying customers for your business.

Can we purchase just one part of the platform?

No, Ophelos is a full debt recovery service and comes as one fully integrated customer outreach, care and analytics platform.

How does Ophelos work?

Our unified debt recovery platform employs cutting-edge machine learning to optimise customer experience and engagement. By blending AI and human customer support agents, we deliver the best possible experience, whilst continually optimising for collections. We loop all the anonymised data back to you in our real-time analytics dashboard, so you see what we see.

How much does Ophelos cost?

Our pricing model varies depending on contract length and customer volume. For a quote for your organisation, get in touch with our sales team who can give you an accurate guide on price.

How do we measure success?

Your teams will have access to our real-time performance dashboard, which includes collections tracking, behavioural analytics, engagement trends, compliance monitoring, predictive analytics, and more. The dashboard is fully customizable and allows you to get really granular, without ever compromising on customers’ data privacy.

Ready to take a
deep dive?

Curious to see how Ophelos could help your collections? Drop your
email below and someone from our team will be in touch.
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