We understand circumstances can change. If you need some space whilst you’re waiting for income, you can opt to delay upcoming payments from your online account.
This is only available for payment plans.
You can delay your upcoming payment to a date up to 14 days from the date it was originally scheduled. After that, you will resume paying on your usual payment date (find out how to permanently change your payment date here).
You can only do this once per payment (for example, once each month). You won’t be able to make any other changes to your payment after you’ve delayed it. Once your payment is successful, account management features will become available again.
To delay a payment:
Skipping a payment means you won’t pay anything this month, but your plan will be pushed back by one month.
For example, if you have a debt of £100 and pay £10 a month, your payment plan will last 10 months. If you skip this month’s payment, you will still owe £100, but your plan will now last 11 months.
You can only skip a payment once per payment. So, if you skip a payment this month, you won’t be able to skip it again next month. You also won’t be able to delay the payment date.
This feature is not available online, so if you can’t make your upcoming payment please get in touch with our team. You can email support@ophelos.com and ask to skip the next payment in your plan.
Make sure you give the team plenty of notice before your payment is due so we have time to action your request.